Upper Limbs
Our Design Technology allows us to prosthetize even the most atypical stumps, providing solutions for amputations of a finger or half a finger, hand, partial hand, forearm, arm, shoulder.

Our goal is to make every type of abutment aesthetic, without ever forgetting the functional aspect.
Each of our prostheses is in fact designed and custom made to respond in the most detailed way possible to every patient’s need.
In fact, each case is studied during a visit to our center in which a careful evaluation of the stump and personal needs is carried out to allow us to best advise the patient.
The prosthetic device is made starting from one monolithic mould, which will realize a transparent silicone glove that will be colored by our technician to faithfully reproduce the patient’s pigmentation, always respecting the patient’s requests.
Nails can be made of silicone or resin. The socket in contact, in biocompatible silicone, becomes an integral part of the prosthesis to form a single body and adhere perfectly to the abutment.
The filling of the distal part can be more or less soft and flexible to ensure comfort and naturalness.

The upper limb prostheses concern the following solutions: